On Friday January 15th, Brandon and I went to a cute and quaint little place called A Stork's View to find out what our little miracle is- Boy or Girl! Turns out, this little amazing miracle is a....GIRL!!
We are so extremely excited!! Brandon has always wanted a baby girl! For this Mama, it has never mattered one way or another. I just want a healthy, happy baby! But of course its exciting to have a sweet baby girl on the way to be best friends with my brother's baby girl Kenzleigh who is due pretty soon!
Its been heavy on my heart lately that in spite of all the joy I have received and the blessing God has given us, there are still many other women and men out there who want nothing more than to be parents. After all, for 7 years 3 months and 6 days Brandon and I wanted the exact same thing. I promised myself that no matter what, whether I had a child of my own eventually or not, I would always always always be sensitive to others and their waiting hearts and I would always advocate for infertility in general. So many people don't even realize that infertility is actually a disease of the reproductive system. Yes, I said it...A disease! Just like cancer, diabetes, etc...That is why there are specialists who see men and women specifically for infertility purposes. Its not just about having a baby...Although that is the primary goal. For some its just finding out what is wrong. Getting answers about their body and why it isn't performing a basic function that men and women were put on this earth to do.
I guess what I am saying is that just because Brandon and I got our prayers answered and have hopped off the infertility roller coaster, does not ever mean I have forgotten what it has taken to get us to this place right now. Infertility and the process of treatments, etc has been and always will be a major part of my life and who I am as a person! It has made me stronger, wiser, more faithful and a better wife to Brandon. It has given me an empathy for those struggling still. I pray for you, you who is still waiting. I haven't forgotten about you, your pain and suffering. I have walked many miles in the shoes you are wearing. So I can firmly say, Ive been there! I know the depression, the anxiety, the grief of another period or a failed cycle, the hardship of trying to balance your marriage with the struggles of infertility! I know how it feels!
As always, my door is always always open! Questions, concerns or just to cry and vent! In the beginning of our journey I had no one to talk too. No one to cry to except my husband. No one to answer my questions except Mr Google! I felt so alone and lost. But eventually when I opened up my door to others, others opened up theirs to me! And for that I am ever so thankful! And I will always have my door open to anyone who needs me! I will always "Pay it forward" and always be a supporter of anyone who has to walk the path we walked! To God be the Glory in all that He has done in our lives! I would NOT ever change a single thing except I would've found Christ sooner in our journey, heck in my life! Without my faith, I am not sure where I would be today! No Doctor, nurse, friend, family member etc, is responsible for what has happened in our lives....God is the One and the Only who has given us this baby! I claimed it, prayed endlessly even when I didn't feel like it or wanted too...And in His perfect time He has given us our prayer, answered and in her 16th week of life! Amen!!
XOXO~ Kristie
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