Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lessons learned, Part 1

I think if anything, over the past couple of months I have learned quite a few valuable lessons. I believe that this is all apart of this journey for us. It is a really big learning experience and the lessons are to be used during our every day lives.

  •   I have learned that plans never work! Do not make plans and stick to them, because most likely they will not happen exactly how you planned. Just go with the flow. 
  •  Do not trust anyone. Love them? Why yes, of course because that is what God wants us to do is love our brothers and sisters and do not harm them. But trust is something you must be worthy of and just to be on the safe side, always have your guard half way up and half way down. I have learned this will keep you from falling too far when you have trusted and been betrayed. 
  • Never say never. I never imagined 6 years ago that I would be where I am today. I never imagined I would want to be a Mother and not be able to get pregnant on my own. I never thought this would happen to me. But I quickly learned to never say never. Anything that could possibly happen in this world, CAN happen to you. Nothing makes you exempt from any of life's trials and tribulations. 
  • Do what makes you happy!! This is a big one for me because for the past couple of years I have done things to make everyone else happy. I put things on hold to make others needs be met before my own.  I didn't take very good care of myself and didn't want to lose my job, so I let my blood pressure issue go until I knew that my health is more important and could not be put on hold any longer. After all, my blood pressure issue is what put our cycle on hold for 2 months until it got under control. I made the decision last week to put all the negative things behind me and negative people behind me, so I quit my job and I am happier than I have been in a long while. Do what makes you happy. It may not mean quitting your job, maybe just find another one that will make you happy. Be around people that make you happy. People you dont have to explain yourself too. People that matter in your life!  Happy Happy Happy!!
  • Put God first and everything else will fall into place. This could not be more true. I was not raised in church at all. I would occassionally go with my great grandmother to a small church in my home town where maybe 20 members resided. I never read the bible and was never showed that God was the reason for everything around me. God created everything. The Heavens and the Earth. I was never showed that God wants me to live for Him and as long as I have Him in my earthly life, I will have an eternal life in Heaven. Being on this journey, being faithful has not always been so easy and I am tested on a daily basis. However, I have learned that by putting God first, all else will fall in to its appropriate place at just the right time. God's time that is!
  • Cry when you need to!!! Yes, I have learned that crying is okay and is a part of life. Cry when you need to. Even if you are in a public place. Emotions make you a true person. People who show no emotion are not alive in side. I can sit and cry for 20 minutes then feel like a new person after. Cry it out then move on. Never forget but do not dwell on whatever it may be that has made you cry. Give it to God. He wants to take on all of our burdens, our sorrows. 
  • Lean on the ones you love. Without my amazing husband and my family, I would not be where I am today. When I first started going to church and doing right, of course I would slip and be angry and say things that were not very nice. I got a lot of criticism about being a hypocrite because I went to church on Sundays and tried to do right but had set backs in my walk with Jesus. I would slip up and say a curse word when something didn't go my way or I would get into an argument with my husband or someone else in my family. It is perfectly okay as long as you know you were wrong and you learn from it, ask for forgiveness because our God is so forgiving, then move forward. I lean on those that I love to keep me going on my journey, both with Christ and in trying to become a mother. 
  • You are not better than anyone! I would be the first to judge someone that didn't dress appropriately to a function or dress appropriately in general. I was the first to make fun of people.  I was raised that when you go out somewhere, you shower and you look decent (clean clothes, good hygiene, brush your hair). Some people do not care about those things. Or do not have the means to have new clothes, water to shower or soap to clean themselves with, even a hair brush to comb their hair. Some are not fortunate. I have to stop and remember that God wants us to be servants to those people. Help one another. I am hesitant and learning at this still because I am not used to offering a helping hand to someone that has no desire to help themselves, but I have to learn to do it. It is what God would want me to do. Jesus did not see the dirty clothes, the oily hair/skin or the tangled hair. He did not smell the stinch of body odor from an unclean person. He didn't care. We are all the same in God's eyes so it did not matter to him what we look like or smell like. It is how we act that matters the most. The things we do in this life. 
  •  Do not wait to do anything! Do not wait to tell someone you love them. Do not wait to give a hug or a kiss to those you love. Do not wait until the "time is right" or "things get better". There is no better time for anything than "NOW"!! I was one that always said I would wait to have children when the time was right and my husband I were settled and right where we wanted to be in life. I was the first to say that I wanted to be "set" before I had babies so I could give them everything they ever dreamed of. Well, like I said first, never make plans because our plans and God's plans for our lives are much different. This has been a huge lesson for me!! Now is the best time for everything!!
Well, I hope that my lessons I have shared today will help one person change their life. Being a happy and stress free person while trying to conceive is a very important component. Stress makes your body produce cortisol which can prevent your body from ovulating. So, don't worry be "happy, happy, happy!!!" (said in my best Papaw Phil voice)

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