Wednesday, October 9, 2013

And now we wait!

Well, the past couple of days have been some of the most challenging so far. I am more than thankful for each day we get to further our journey and learn more about this process and what we have to look forward too. However, I am so glad this cycle is over for now. It has been difficult for me, medically.

Monday I went for an ultrasound to see exactly how big my follicles were. I had one 20mm and one 12mm and a few others that were around 10mm. I was so thankful for that because last month my biggest follicle was an 18mm. However, Monday night, Brandon and I prayed together, that on Tuesday everything would go smooth and if it was in His will, that the other follicle would grow to an 18 or a 20! Well, I must say that from experience, our God is a BIG God and he does answer prayers. When we got to the office yesterday afternoon, I told the nurse that I had been having a lot of pain in my lower abdomen, alot of nausea and dizziness only since yesterday morning. I had been having some discomfort for about a week now but that is only due to my ovaries getting bigger with the growth of the follicles. Well, to be on the safe side, one of our favorite ARNP's, Susan, wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure there wasn't something going on before they did our first IUI. Well, the follicle on my left ovary that was 12mm on Monday had grown to over 20mm!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say that our God is so very good???!!!!!!!! Such an answered prayer!! The only problem was, I had developed Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome....This is from my ovaries being so enlarged and the fact that I had many folllicles this month. Fluid accumulates in the abdomen and can potentially move to the chest area if not monitored. I have a little bit of fluid in my lower abdomen, therefore I am now on bed rest, light bed rest...I can get up and walk around a little bit in order to keep blood from clotting. I am so thankful this was found and is being monitored.

On another good note, when the embryologist came in to see us yesterday, she said that they were able to get 3 million sperm after they washed them!!! Which is a fantastic number considering there was only a 2 day gap between the collection and our last planned intercourse date. So yet, another answered prayer!!! God has been and still is so so good!!!

Today was our final insemination. Due to me not feeling so great, I now have some pain medication and some anti nausea medication. Which I am so thankful for. The embryologist was able to get 2.8 million sperm after the wash today! YAY! So, now we are back in the waiting game. I will not be posting the date for our pregnancy test, due to the fact I had so many messages last month and due to the emotional side of this day, I feel I just need to let it be a family thing! Once we get a positive test, I have big plans for a pregnancy announcement so the more secretive I can be the better!! After all, my husband and my family and I have waited for a positive pregnancy test for 5 years, 2 months and 12 days!! This will be the most joyful time of our lives and I do believe that our family should get to celebrate with us before we announce our fantastic news to the rest of our friends! Now, I am not saying that it will be positive but I have faith that God is going to bless us this month! And within the next 2 weeks, we will know whether it is God's time for us! I am so excited to see what is in store for us!

Please keep us in your prayers! Please pray that this Hyperstimulation syndrome will take care of itself and not turn into something more serious. God is so good and we are a great example of God's work! Look how far we have come on this journey! Look how far prayer and faith has gotten us! I am so grateful!! Absolutely so very grateful! We have gained friendships that will last a lifetime just by sharing our journey and we are helping others on their journey as well! God places us in the right place at the right time but it is up to us to do His work! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! Keep them coming!! Love you all!

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