Friday, October 4, 2013

Follies, Follies and more Follies!!

On Wednesday this week we had our first appointment of this cycle with the ARNP at Dr. L's office, Susan. I absolutely couldn't have ever prayed for a better group of Doctors and ARNP's. They are all amazing. We had 8 follicles maturing (my amazing husband said I am preparing for the Easter Bunny LOL). 6 on my left ovary and 2 on my right ovary, which is a lot more than last months. Last month we had about 12 total but there were a lot of 8mm and 7mm sizes last month which ended up resulting in one 18mm, one 17mm and a 12mm (if I remember exactly right). Usually 20-22mm is ideal so last month they weren't ideal but they still released and of course as you all know, we got a "big FAT negative".

We went back again today to see all of the little follies and we have one 15mm, 12mm, 10mm and a couple 8mm. She said I would most likely end up with 3 matured for the IUI procedures on Tuesday and Wednesday this coming week. We will see for sure on Monday when we return back for our final ultrasound before the IUI's to see exactly what we are working with this month. I know that God has this and we will have great results. I can just feel it.

 I always promised to be honest and open about everything involving my Infertility Journey and that is what I am doing. This blog portrays 100% exactly how I feel! God didn't skimp when he gave me honesty and openness! That is for sure. I just hope you all understand the point of this blog. To open the eyes of those that have no idea about Infertility and the treatment process. To help those going through Infertility better understand what is happening to them and their bodies and why they feel the way they do emotionally. The number one reason and purpose of this blog is to let everyone know, that no matter what life throws at us, even infertility, God will get us to destination Motherhood! GOD WILL GET US THERE!!! Whether through IVF, IUI, adoption...What ever it may be, if God gives us the desire to be a Mother, he will not tantalize us! He will make us Mommies (thank you Sarah)!! I want to show everyone that even the average person, like myself, not raised in church, never a real "faithful" person prior to getting saved in April 2010, can lean on God and can be faithful even in the hardest of times. It is by no means easy. I can honestly say, I get down and out sometimes but only for a moment. The next day starts a new day and out with the tears, out with the sadness and worry and on with the positivity and progression!! I love being able to say that God is the only one that has helped me get through all I have been dealt in the past 5 years. My husband has been the next best thing of course but God and his promises has gotten me here! Exactly where I am right now. I am able to share our journey with you all in total confidence and with total and complete honesty! I read on another blog I follow about an Infertile couple, that once you are able to share your story, you are starting to heal from it. I do believe that. We have traveled this road for quite sometime now and of course I still get frustrated with the "wait" and I still get discouraged but that is okay. We all get that way sometimes. I would seem to think we wouldn't be human if we weren't upset, frustrated, discouraged only for a moment when things do not go our way. But, as I have said, it is only for a time. We pick ourselves back up and keep moving. That is the part of true healing and being content with the way things are moving along. Ever since we started going to Dr. L and his staff, I must say I felt content that he would help us fix the problems and make me a Mommy. And he is doing just that. We are just waiting now for God to bless us with our little miracle. Our true miracle child that we never thought we would have or hold. God is good and will prevail in our situation. If you are going through this same thing, DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE! You have alot of support and there are so many in your shoes. Just keep the faith and pray to our God every chance you get! He hears our prayers and He will give us all the desires of our hearts! I love you all and I am so thankful for all of my readers. It keeps me going to know that I have so many following us and praying for us on this journey! It is humbling to know when I have helped someone on their own journey to Motherhood. And I can only thank God for all of this!

Until next time, keep praying for us!! Our procedure for the IUI is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. Pray for growing little follicles!! We need them to get to 20mm!!

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