Saturday, August 3, 2013

Blessed be the day

As I sit here tonight I can only be so grateful that God has been so good to me when I am so undeserving. This past week we had another appointment (August 1st). Since things are a "GO" for this first (and last hopefully and God willing) cycle we have been praying for, I have lots of ultrasounds that are in my near future and that happened to be the very first one. We got to the office and they took me back to the imaging room and only being the second time I have been in this dreaded room, I was over come with emotions this time. As you walk into these rooms, there are medium sized flat screen TV's on the wall of each room. These are most definitely meant for happy, blessed new Mommy's and Daddy's to see their sweet little miracles. I sat there waiting (not for very long) and imagined how I will feel on the day we go in and get to see our sweet little miracle right before our very eyes on those same TV screens. Such an emotional thing to think about when you have been waiting 5 years and 6 days  to be able to see that tiny little miracle on a stick or a screen for that matter. Blessed be the day!

Any hoo, one of the ARNP's came in and she did the ultrasound to check for cysts and follicles on my ovaries. There was nothing at all on my right ovary (PTL!! The many many cysts that once surrounded both ovaries are GONE thanks to meds and proper PCOS nutrition!!) and 2 pretty good sized black dots on my left ovary that could either be cysts or follicles. The only way to tell is to do a blood test checking for a certain hormone that cysts produce. After a long over night wait for a STAT blood test, the levels came back great and we get to stay on track with the current calendar for this months cycle!!! The big black spots are most likely follicles (yay) so we will be getting a "lefty" this month!! Ha ha!

To back track a little, the beginning of last week I received an email with a calendar for the whole month of August, some consent forms and lab work orders. On the calendar there are numerous exciting dates (the 19th and 20th are intercourse days so those of course are EXCITING!! ha ha) for the month but the most exciting will be August 27th! That is the day we go back and I will have my blood drawn to see if the cycle worked this month. To see if I am PREGGO!!! Just the idea that the day is only almost 23 days away makes me extremely nervous and semi sick to my stomach. I have waited so long for this day to come and I am so thankful that God has blessed us all along this journey with faith and financial means to pursue this rather expensive process to become parents! So long story short....This month is going to be exciting with great news come August 27th! Please keep praying for this month to be "OUR MONTH"!! God is definitely working!!

Before I close this post tonight, I want to close with a little something for someone that may read this post and be thinking "Why in the world is this girl putting all of her personal life out there for the world to see?" Well, to be honest I feel that by writing this very real blog, I will help someone, even if it is just one person, that is going through the same things we have gone through for the last 5 years. That someone like myself, who has avoided friends, places, parties, etc...Because of the emotional toll pregnant friends, kids birthday parties, baby showers, etc...have on someone who is going through infertility. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Through this journey, God has placed people in my life that never would have been in my life had it not been for this journey. Life long friends. I have a better understanding of each aspect of this journey by having to type the details out for each and every one that reads this blog. I feel that God chose me to help someone in need of better understanding infertility and PCOS, through my blog and to help me grow in my relationship with Him and on my journey to being a better Christian. I am so thankful and not ashamed one bit of what I tell you. I am blessed to be able to get the opportunity to share our story and to hopefully and prayerfully, help someone else on their journey to becoming parents as well.

Stay tuned for more exciting happenings this month!! August IS our month!! Keep us in your prayers!!

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