Sunday, August 25, 2013

Waiting is the hardest part....

It has been a while since I have poured myself into this blog...I am sorry...It has been a rough past couple of weeks. Emotional...yes...mentally...yes...physically...yes....It has been rough!!!

On August 10th, I took (10) Letrizol to jump start the follicle making. On Sunday August 11th, I started feeling very nauseated and had a terrible bout of extreme dizziness and light headed. I figured it was from the medication so I trucked on and waited until our appointment for our first ultrasound to see how many maturing follicles we had. So on August 14th, we went in for our first official appointment to see how mature my follicles were and low and behold we had FIVE! It was very exciting and very emotional to see all the fluid filled little sacs that contained all of my eggies (aka..Potential Baby Luther). To see my husband sitting in the chair watching the screen and getting a huge smile on his face with watery eyes, just absolutely made my heart melt. It definitely is the start to something wonderful!

So we went back on August 16th to check again...They had grown significantly and there was definitely 4 that would hopefully be mature by Monday the 19th for the Doctor to release my eggs for ovulation. Well, I wasn't as "easy" as I should have been over the weekend and on Monday morning we had our next ultrasound (usually the last) to check for exact size of the follicles. Well, I am still so blessed by even the news of only being 2 definite and 1 maybe that would be mature enough to be released. Of course I cried because 4 sure sounded best, but it only takes ONE! So aside from the fact two follicles had disappeared due to me not taking it easy and probably stressing way more than I should have, WE ARE BLESSED TO HAVE FINALLY GOTTEN THIS FAR!!!!

Of course the plan was not on track for releasing these babies on Monday the 19th, nor Tuesday the 20th because they wanted them to get as big as they could before giving me the injection of HcG to release them. I was of course, a nervous wreck and still am for that matter. I had to stay in bed due to the injection giving me an awful reaction at the injection site and causing a softball size knot to appear with a red and feverish spot the size of a softball on the outside of my stomach. I had to focus on timed intercourse (TMI I know but hey this is a blog about our quest to become parents so duh...That is how babies get here!!) and laying with my pelvis tilted...It was a whirlwind of a week for me. I have been so dizzy and since the oral medication and the injection I have had the worst migraine ever of my life. But I keep looking at the prize!!! OUR BABY!!! OUR MIRACLE!!! OUR BLESSING FROM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! That is what keeps me from having a total meltdown and just sitting and crying about it all. I WILL be a Mommy!! I know it!!

Tuesday this week (August 27th) I will go back for another appointment for them to see if I actually ovulated (released all of the mature eggs). Then on September 4th they will draw my blood to see if I am actually PREGNANT!! Oh em Gee!!!! Waiting on this date is the hardest and the longest part of this whole journey we have been on for the last 5 years and 1 month. I have taken a pregnancy test every month for the past 5 years and this time, I will be sitting it out and waiting on the Doctor's office to tell me the dreaded "NO" or the ever so prayed for "YES"! God has been so good to us! This whole journey may be coming to an end very soon and I must say if I could go back and change anything I definitely wouldn't. I would've found Jesus way before I did because He has been my strength along with my husband through this entire roller coaster. It is amazing at the friendships I have made just from talking about this very common thing we call "Infertility"! Some are ashamed and will not talk about it or offer a helping hand to others that are on this journey, but I feel if I can help someone to better understand Infertility as a whole, then God is working in me to do just that!! I am sure I will be updating this week, just to get stuff off of my chest since I am already a nervous wreck about what is or isn't going on in my uterus right now...I wish I could call down there and ask the receptionist is there any visitors hanging out on the uterine lining for the next 9 months!!! ha ha!! Hey, a girl can wish, Jack!!! I love you all and thank you for your prayers!! Keep them coming, as we will definitely be needing them!!!

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